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Hello Sahabat

March 31, 2010

Which want will you choose?

Love or Money
****Note- Some might be offended after reading this post. If you are easily offended, do not continue beyond this point. If you are not then you may proceed... =P****

A friend of mine chatted with me about the above topic a few days ago. Asking for my opinion on this matter. She says that nowadays a lot of girls choose money over love. This is an issue that will have differed opinion, each trying to justify whatever opinion that he or she have. Trying to brainwash other into tuning in to their wavelength.

I personally have mixed feeling about this matter. For me, of course I would hate it if the girl have a relationship with me just because of my money (Not that I have much money anyway, but for the sake of my ramblings...please bear with me on this.. =p). If it is just for fun, nothing serious and both willing, why not? (I am not a saint, I admit to that. =p)

But ultimately I believe no guys would like to be with someone who are after their money their moolah. Unless of course if you are as filthy rich as Bill Gates and money is not an issue then it is alright. Then again, if money is an issue, you would not face this problem anyway. =p. You will just face the problem of being dumped. =p

However, realistically speaking guys doesn't really need to worry about things like this. Put it this way. either way you won't be on the losing side from a guy's perspective. =P. Don't understand? Let me put it this way, lets say you are rich, then you are with someone who whenever sees you the dollar sign flashes in her eyes or sees a bank walking towards her, the most you lose is money and aside from that nothing else. Hey, you get tobang make love to her every night what. =p. So, it's a win win situation. =p

Another situation would be, you are dumped by someone just because you don't have the moolah, the dough, the $. Well, you are a man not a sissy. Live with it. At least you get rid of a money digger. Come on, how many of you like to be seen as a walking bank?? =). So, it is a good thing also and you do not lose anything. Correct?

Now, the issue is with the girls perspective. I am not a girl (*Hello, it is quite obvious I am NOT =p) but I am thinking for the best of the girls so if I am wrong, please feel free to correct me. Girls only, Guys not allowed to correct me. =p

So, girls ultimately wants stability. Be it financially or emotionally. By having financially stability, the emotional part would gradually follow. Agree? So, it is safe to say that in order for girls to have stability in life, they need to find someone they can depend on financially and emotionally.

Now, it is the definition of financial stability that is lost to many. Differs from individual. For instance, having a car, a house, an income is considered stable by some. Some consider financially stable as having BMW, Bungalow, Public Listed Company as stability. In the end, it comes down to what you want not what you need.

The above is from a traditional way of thinking where girls need to marry before a certain age or they will be "expired". I know there are girls who does not agree with me on this as they are girls who are independent and have good income. Why the need to depend on guys, rite?

I am not here to say which is right and which is wrong, I always believe that one can determine for himself or herself how they want the future to be. Trust in yourself and if you make mistake, that is the mistake you made not the mistake that is made because you have done something that someone says.

Beginning to go off topic, back to the main topic. Love and Money, which would you choose. Yes, you would want both but in reality it is often either one not both with the money having the most weight over love.

In my opinion, responsibility is a trait that girls need to look for. Without responsibility, you wont have stability. If you are with a guy who is responsible then the stability is confirmed. If you are with a guy just because of LOVE which I think is rather vague, the definition of love is vague. Responsibility IS Love and with responsibility, the guy would provide his best to you regardless problems that might arise and be together till the end of time. That is responsibility and LOVE. When you are devoted to someone, you have responsibility and love together.

If it it just Love then it would not be long lasting, don't let the movies fool gullible you in thinking otherwise. Albert Einstein once said that:

"men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope that they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed".

There is this quote that is from anonymous writer that i find is quite true. It says:

"A successful man is one who can earn more money than his wife can possibly spend and A successful woman is one who can find such man".

And the last quote will definitely differ according to the needs and wants. By fulfilling needs then it would be easier but to fulfill wants , that is difficult almost to impossible unless of course as I said earlier, you are Bill Gates. =P. Why? Now, you need a car then you want a toyota, then you want a BMW, then you want a Ferari Enzo and the list continues.... Correct?

With that, I end the rambling thoughts of today.

Have a nice day.

Aliran dan gaya seni lukis (Seni Halus)


Dalam karya seni ini,terdapat beberapa elemen unsur gaya yang telah digunakan. Aliran dan gaya dalam karya ini telah digabungkan menjadi satu untuk menghasilkan satu karya yang siap sepenuhnya. Terdapat lebih kurang lima aliran dan gaya seni yang telah digunakan dalam penghasilan karya lukisan ini iaitu aliran dan gaya impressionisme, aliran dan gaya realisme, aliran dan gaya naturalisme, aliran dan gaya surealisme dan aliran dan gaya seni pop.

Aliran bagi gaya seni impressionisme merujuk kepada suasana kampung dan kota raya (bandar raya) . kemunculan lukisan kampung dan bandar ini lebih menunjukkan suasana yang pelbagai yang berlatar belakangkan suasana awal pagi dengan keadaan awam yang crah dan biru. Aliran ini juga condong kepada arah semulajadi dan mengutamakan suasana yang dilihat. Ia juga menumpukan kaeadah konsep cahaya dan kesan objek yang dilihat misalnya dalam lukisan ini ton bagi warna baji, warna bunga Rafflesia, tumbuh-tumbuhan, dan lain-lain. Aliran dan gaya impressionisme turut menekankan keserasian warna dan warna pada lukisan kelihatan bertindih antara satu sama lain seperti dalam lukisan ini. Aliran dan gaya ini telah diperkenalkan oleh Vincent Van Gogh pada abad ke 19 yang telah menghasilkan Real famous self portrait,Paris,1887 iaitu dari Chichago Arts Institute dan beberapa lukisan yang lain.

Bagi aliran dan gaya realisme pula, karya dalam lukisan ini digambarkan seperti rupa dan bentuk sebenar objek dan bahan rujukan tersebut. Misalnya lukisan bagi obor api, bunga Rafflesia, gambar-gambar manusia benruk-bentuk kapal terbang, bangunan-bangunan dan lain-lain. Hal ini menjelaskan bahawa hasil lukisan ini menrima konsep peniruan yang mana lebih mementing bentuk dan rupa sebenar sesuatu lukisan tersebut. Ia juga jelas mnggambarkan dan mudah difahami oleh orang lain apabila melihat lukisan ini tanpa mencari makana yang tersirat dari lukisan tersebut. Bagi lukisan realism amat mudah dibaca konsep penghasilan karya lukisan serta selalu mendapat kritikan orang ramai apabila berlaku kekurangan pada lukisan tersebut.

Selain itu,hasil karya lukisan ini turut memiliki aliran dan gaya naturalisme, dimana lukisan yang dihasilkan mementing nilai semulajadi dan keaslian sesuatu benda tersebut. Sebagai contoh gambar-gambar manusia yang mana muka dan bentuk erta paras rupa tetap dikekalkan walau bagaimana sekali pun posisi manusia itu diletakkan dan dilukiskan.

Hal ini menjelaskan gambar manusia,dan bunga Rafflesia menjadi tumpuan untuk menimbulkan bentuk dan rupa yang sebenar dan asli khususnya penumpuan kepada kadar bandingan dan anatomi manusia tersebut.

Seterusnya, karya lukisan bagi sni ini juga turut unsure seni bagi aliran dan gaya surealisme. Aliran dan gaya seni ini ia lebih merujuk kepada sesuatu yang di luar jangkaan orang lain dan menjadi isu dan tanda Tanya kepada orang yang menilai dan melihat hasil karya terebut. Hal ini menjelaskan aliran dan gaya ini merujuk kepada imej di bawah sedar dan alam khayalan, tidak logik, menyeramkan, dan objek diletakkan di tempat atau muncul di tempat yang tidak sesuai. Misalnya dalam hasil karya seni ini,apa yang menyebabkan gaya suraelisme wujud dalam karya adalah disebabkan oleh munculnya tangan dari bunga Rafflesia yang memegang obor. Keadaan ini agak pelik tetapi ada mesej yang ingin disampaikan oleh pelukis secara tersendiri. Aliran dan gaya seni ini telah mula diperkenalkan oleh Salvador Dali pada pertengahan abad ke 20,iaitu pelukis berasal dari Sepanyol.

Akhir sekali karya hasil lukisan ini turut meggunakan unsur aliran dan gaya seni pop. Bagi aliran dan gaya ini digunakan dalam karya senilukis ini bagi mempelbagaikan corak dan latar belakang lukisan untuk menampakkannya lebih menarik. Ia juga digunakan bagi merarik tumpuan orang ramai untuk tampil menilai dan melihat mesej yang cuba disampaikan oleh lukisan ini secara spontan dan terus. Sebenrnya aliran dan gaya ini adalah berasaskan persekitaran dan kebudayaan yang mempengaruhi tema, teknik, imej dan metos yang ebrsifat semasa dan popularity. Aliran dan gaya dalam lukisan ini lebih mirip kepada pengiklanan kepada orang ramai dengan warna-waarna yang terang dan menarik serta mampu memenuhi ruang keseluruh ruang lukisan semaksimum yang boleh. Aliran dan gaya lukisan ini telah diperkenalkan oleh Richard Hamilton, iaitu pelukis berasal dari England.